Saturday, April 26, 2014

I Didn't Quite Rise To The Occasion

I know I don't usually talk about this sort of thing on here (read: never), but I kind of wanted somewhere to discuss this, even if it is only with myself. 

One of my favorite occasional hobbies is baking.  I can't do it too often because, well, I'm not overly fond of eating my creations and you can only give away so much before people start to avoid looking you in the eye.  Not that I'm not good, but people watch their weight and all that.  So, I use most holidays as an excuse to take over the kitchen for a day or two and bake cookies and treats until I run out of room on the counters, in the fridge and in the dining room.  I enjoy the planning, the baking, figuring out a cute and seasonal way to present it, and the (sometimes excessive) thanks I get when I hand out cute little bags or plates of my goodies. 

I've been baking cookies since I was five; making chocolate chip cookies with mom was a staple of my childhood, and as I got older, the cookies got more complicated.  By the end of elementary school, I was baking on my own, but usually only one or two types in a go.  My first year in Hawaii, I decided that, poor student that I was, I was just going to make cookies for people, since I knew I could do that.  After a whole day spent making 6 or 7 types of cookies, I found that I had I enjoyed the whole process so much that I kept doing it.  Again and again.  Any excuse to give out cookies will do now; a few weeks ago, with Easter fast approaching, I took over the kitchen for a day and made a mountain of frosted sugar cookies, some of the always-requested Russian Tea Cakes, and some chocolate chip cookies with seasonal-colored chips.

About a year ago, I decided to try and expand my baking abilities, so I decided to stop using the boxed mixes, started making cakes from scratch.  My first one was okay, my second pretty good and by the time I got to making a rum cake for my middle brother's birthday, I could make a damn good cake and frosting to match (decorating is still only okay, though).  And that was several cakes ago.  Then came bread.

For Easter, I decided to try making some hot cross buns, so I went on allrecipies, found the simplest recipe without a breadmaker and they were a roaring success, so today, I attempted my holy grail of breads: my grandmother's homemade rolls.

Despite my disinterest in my own cookies, I do have a rather excessive sweet tooth which I only manage to keep under control by keeping small chocolates in my room at all times.  The instant I start to want something sweet, I pop a chocolate in my mouth and am able to withstand greater temptations.  But growing up, when I had a choice between a roll hot from the oven, and whatever treat was my favorite, I ALWAYS went with my grandma's bread.  So today, I dug out the recipe I had written down years ago, along with every variation we had for it and I tried to make it.

The house had that wonderful baking-bread smell and when they were pulled out of the oven, they were a beautiful shade of brown.  I immediately pulled one out of the cupcake pan and brought it outside to show and share with my dad. One bit in, and I knew I hadn't succeeded.  The color and texture were okay, but the flavor was a little off.  I spent a good 20 minutes trying to figure it out, and my best guess is that I should have used more whole wheat and white wheat flour.  Something about Hawaii's climate makes it necessary to be generous when adding flour and baking soda and I think I may have been a bit too generous with the regular flour and threw off the balance between that and the wheat flours.  So in a few weeks, when I try again, I need to remember to add some more of the other types of flour, too.  And I need to make sure I lather on the butter when eating these rolls.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Life Speeds, Why Can't We?

Why does life just sort of move faster and faster?  Last week, I was driven almost insane by how much down-time I had but this week... I'm training at Target with only a day off for Thanksgiving.  Tuesday, I raced over to the other side of the island after I got off from Target to do my other job, then fought my way back through post-rush hour, pre-construction traffic.  I was exhausted, but I should have forced myself to make pie crusts anyway since Wednesday, I had less than four hours to come home, make a pie and then get over to church. ...I ended up using a store-bough pie because of that.

Other than that, my Thanksgiving was pretty good.  I woke up at 8, wandered downstairs and then put myself to work in the kitchen, cleaning up, mixing the guts for some more pies, peeling potatoes, pulling out dishes.  The end result, after a very good turkey dinner, I got to sit on the couch and reread Harry Potter while my dad and brother did the clean-up.  And then and then my sister's sister came over with her boyfriend and my nephew Jaiden and... well, I had a great Thanksgiving evening chasing the little 15-month-old around :)

I read a lot of British literature; my shelves are stuffed with books that originated there and my kindle is full of them.  I don't know if I can really blame that love for this habit, but I think I will: I notice I sometimes put unnecessary Us in words sometimes.  I don't know where else I would have gotten that from...

I've been mostly keeping up, but as I'm half asleep when I'm watching TV, I don't really remember what I'm seeing.  I have enough retention that I understand what people are talking about when the reference an event from that episode later, but thaaat's about it.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Watching a month of TV in three days...

Life has been SUPER crazy lately! I am almost a month behind on several TV shows (mostly Once Upon a Time, although I just caught up on SHIELD yesterday). Right now, however, I'm in a lull.

I just got a new job at Target. I was supposed to have me orientation yesterday so Saturday was my LAST DAY at Subway (WOOT WOOT!!!). But then my orientation was pushed back to Saturday because of a backlog (not Target's) due to all the seasonal hiring so this week, I'm only working one job, instead of the two or three I've been for the last few months. So I'm watching TV and playing a lot of Final Fantasy (logged almost 30 hours in the last few days alone).

Monday, November 4, 2013

Life Interfered

So... it's been a while.  In my defense, I haven't watched much of anything lately. If a number of shows hadn't taken a break for the week of Halloween, I would be hopelessly behind.

I've been watching some TV and on Halloween, I watched Halloween with my brother, Dad and sister (who is currently staying with us for a week or so). Which is part of the reason I haven't been watching TV.  I've been hanging with my sister and working and watching old episodes of Big Bang (her favorite).

And now it's November, National Novel Writing Month.  And my brother is all gung-ho to do it and is reminding me to do it as well.  And so I'm doing it. Kind of.  Last night I finally started and I'm at about 1200 words.  Yeah.  I'm going to work on that a bit after I work on a few other things.

Friday, October 25, 2013

I'm Wearing Purple (Which Is Totally Unrelated...)

Wednesday, I woke up super-early, drove all the way across the island in rush hour traffic and raced through work. Why? So I could go to the doctor's office. Okay, it wasn't for me. Lindsey had an appointment for herself and with Jaiden still sick, she wanted him to have a follow-up and since her doctor and his are in the same office... So I helped out. I took Jaiden so Linney could concentrate on herself but she was still able to talk to the pediatrician after her appointment was over. Afterwards, we went to California Pizza Kitchen and split a pepperoni and then down to DQ for Blizzards. I was reminded that Jaiden is not the main reason I love her; we talked about nothing for forever and I loved it! This is what girlfriends are for.

It's 11:30 on a Friday night and all I can think is that I wish I was already asleep. But I really, really wanted to watch the new episode of Grey's Anatomy before turning in, so guess what I did. I remember, once upon a time, not that long ago (before I got a Hulu account), I never watched TV. Ever. What happened to me? Oh, yeah, Hulu.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

AH! The Zombeth is Loose!

I have an interesting new nickname: Zombeth.  I think my tenancy to monologue about anything forever may have something to do with it.  My co-worker has had to listen to me discuss my abhorrence of zombies more than once.  Then the other day, I got some immunizations and one text led to another and I told him that the flu shot killed me and the DTAP made me undead; and now I'm Zombeth.  Which I think is actually pretty clever.

Last Friday, my job kept me in a chair, waiting on something, with nothing to do.  So I watched a lot of Hulu.  And then at Subway, I wrote down all my impressions and the like.  And then it sat in my notebook all weekend. Now it's Tuesday and I am in a chair, waiting on a phone call, with nothing to do.  Oh, joy.  So I finally pulled out my notebook to get my thoughts online...

Thursday, October 17, 2013


I randomly ended up having a surprise day off.  Yesterday, a coworker asked if I could switch my Thursday at Subway for another day, and after much feet-dragging, I did it.  Why not?  She's not one of the super unreliable girls and I know she's one of the few lunch people who would work a night for me if I had an emergency.  And then, my babysitting got canceled because the girl has a tummy ache. It's like, wow!  I don't know what to do with myself.