Friday, January 27, 2012

A Bit of a Lot

It's been a while since my first (and last) post, so I thought I'd try to put up something. I've been busy lately with school work (trying to avoid it) and my job (unavoidable) so I haven't had time for much of anything else. Or, I wouldn't if it wasn't for the 15+ hours a week I spend on city buses and hanging out at bus stops. Instead of buying new books for my kindle, though, I've been rereading old favorites instead; the last two or three days I've been reading books by Karen Witemeyer. It started with Head in the Clouds, which I love probably because I identify with the main character so much. I mean, really. She almost falls off a porch because she's too busy reading to look where she's going and we all know I've never done that before. Well, maybe not a porch, but... And then, I was so enamored by the book (which I would like to point out I've already read multiple times) that I downloaded A Tailor-Made Bride by the same author, which I have also already read more than once. I'm almost finished with it, but one particular scene put me in mind with another favorite churf* title, so I already have The Measure of a Lady (by someone else) downloaded and ready to go. Thank God I'm simply downloading books I already own and not buying these things one right after another; it's no wonder I always end up spending too much money on books!

The only other thing I can think of that I did purely for entertainment purposes was I watched an episode of Castle on Hulu. I really want to just sit down for a couple hours one day and catch up on all my shows on there...

Anyway, this weekend, I'm really going to push myself to get decently ahead in school (somewhere in the two-week range) so I can take it a bit easier on homework during the week and have time to watch TV shows on Hulu and read books when I'm not on a bus. We'll see how well that plan works out...

*Christian-Historical-Romantic-Fiction with a u thrown in to add a vowel

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Sergeant York

Today, I watched Sergeant York (illegally) for my American Lit class. Not my usual bill of fare at all. First off, it's one of those old movies with dozens of awards that everyone should see. I almost never agree with the critics who tell you those things. Second, it's a war movie (kind of). In fact, I think it would be safe to say that if I hadn't had to watch it for English, I wouldn't have watched it at all. Still, it was a decent movie, even if it did move a little (okay, a lot) slow. I mean, I kinda knew the whole plot before I started the movie (Wikipedia is my friend). So, I knew he'd become what would today be called a "born again Christian" and not want to go to war because of it, go to war, perform admirably and then come back home. It was an hour into the movie and he just found God. An hour! So, yeah. Think I liked it better than Citizen Kane (which I also had to watch for American Lit, but that was watched in-class). It's done now, and I still have reading from the textbook to do for my religions class (which is tomorrow! Help!).