Sunday, June 23, 2013

A Short Story from High School

My "superhero" kick has become a bit more focused, with a bit of a Superman obsession right about now... If superheroes really existed in this world, I would be such a hero groupie!  If I don't find something else to distract me soon, I might end up actually reading comics.

Since I'm not doing much by way of entertainment, I figured I'd tell one of my brother's school stories.

My brother Jake was always a quiet kid in high school, a teacher's pet, but he has a bit of a wicked sense of humor.  One day, in math class, he was arguing with his friends about the pointlessness of blogs.  In order to prove him point, he started what he called a "Calculator Blog" on the classroom's graphing calculators.  Every day, right before leaving, he'd write a sentence or two on the calculator he had that day, things like "I'm hungry" "It's rainy today" and "My butt hurts from sitting for so long." He and his friends were having fun with the Calculator Blog.
A few weeks later, his teacher went on a rant against his unruly class and once she's run through the class's misbehavior for that day, she started on a new topic: "And whoever is writing this 'calculator blog' I don't know who it is and I don't want to know, but that has to stop NOW!  Everyone in my next class keeps trying to get it and its causing a distraction and it has to end!" Jake and his friends stared straight to the front and forced their mouths into a straight line to keep from bursting into laughter. 

He has a few more stories, some even better, but I'll save them for another day.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Mostly Movies

Wow. It's been a while. Since I published anything at least. I had over half a dozen drafts that started to say something but never quite finished.

Anyway, I am done with college. I have a new job. TV stinks right now so I'm watching anything that looks remotely interesting on Hulu and Amazon. I go to the movie theater way too much. I'm still in the middle of a love affair with my kindle. Oh, and I'm going to Teddy's tonight.

Let's start with my life. I finally finished college and am now holding down two jobs. One is my ever-present part-time job as semi-management at Subway, where they currently have the best night crew since I started. The other is "office manager" at a very small furniture repair place. I love this job. But as of now, it's only part-time and so I am forced to hold on to my Subway job. Even so, I still have plenty of free time to pursue my many and varied interests...

Unfortunately, TV doesn't seem to be complying with my schedule.  After exams, it only took a week or two to catch up on all of my shows and then I had a horrible truth thrust upon me: all of my shows are over for the season, including the super-late-to-start Psych. Between my Amazon account and my Hulu Plus account, I've been trying to keep myself occupied with background noise. Some Warehouse 13, a kick with Eureka, some Star Trek, the last season and a half of Smallville and a few other episodes of this and that, mostly either sci-fi or superhero in nature.  Defiance is still on, but I've been less-than-thrilled with certain developments in that show.  I mean, they killed the Bio-man!

Thank god the movie theater is somewhat compensating me.  It helps that I enjoy rewatching movies while they're in the theater.  I love the movie theater experience and once a film makes its way to DVD (or Blu-Ray) it loses something.  A movie theater is a place where all sorts of different people come together, eating (overpriced or contraband) snacks and immersing themselves in a movie.  Most of the people there are watching the same movie with no distractions, experiencing similar feelings of exhilaration, fear and excitement.  The screen feels large enough to swallow the audience whole and the sound system further helps the viewer lose themselves in the movie.  So, yeah, I love to go back to watch movies I enjoyed more than once, and the theaters' recent introduction of a reward card has added serious incentive to this habit.  Aside from point accumulation (for free stuff), I also get certain (great) deals on Tuesdays.  That's why I went to see Man of Steel yesterday instead of either going opening weekend or waiting a few weeks.

Movies I've seen and my impression of them as I remember it now: 
I've watched Into Darkness three times.  Once with my family, where I was CRAZY into it: sitting on the edge of my seat, squealing, sighing, and hissing "Yes!  Klingons!  It's Khan!  Kill him! Khan's blood!"  The second time I watched it was with my friend Andrew.  I was still edge-of-the-seat cheering.  By the time I got there the third time (with my friend Amy who I am apparently turning into a geek), I was mouthing along with some of the monologues.  Three times is enough, though, and I will refrain from watching it again until I can get the movie on DVD. 
Of course, I went to see Iron Man 3 as well.  It as a good movie, a decent follow-up to The Avengers.  I would have only seen it once, but there were some politics involved and I ended up watching it a second time, which was not without its merits.  I took great pleasure in not telling Ashley anything when she asked, which I think annoyed her.  But then, she's so easy to annoy.  I especially like when a certain Dr. Banner appears. 
And then, of course, Man of Steel.  While I enjoyed the movie (and not only because I could feel Amy's geek-meter rising beside me), I felt the battle sequences were a little overdone.  I didn't think it necessary to destroy a town, a city AND a satellite.  Two of the three would have been sufficient.  But it was an enjoyable Superman movie and not what I expected from the commercials. 

Other movies I plan to see.
The Lone Ranger:  While I feel that the title character should be the focus of the movie whether or not Johnny Depp is trying to create Jack Sparrow: Indian Version, Amy claims that since she's going to all my geek movies, I should at least watching this with her, I will. 
Despicable Me 2: The minions return!
Maybes include The Wolverine and Elysium (Jake wants to watch this) and then there's nothing that looks interesting until the holiday movies start coming out in November (Thor 2!  I hope there's a longer shirtless scene in this one!)

A few final notes: Now that I am no longer in school, reading and writing for pleasure has become increasingly important to me (hence the breaking of the long silence here).  In less than 48 hours, I've worked two shifts, watched a movie in theaters and still found time to read two complete novels.  Yay for the kindle, which allows me to slip it into my purse and read a paragraph or two while I'm waiting in line at the grocery store. 

Tonight, Adam and I are going to the newly opened Ewa Beach Teddy's Bigger Burgers!  Yum, yum!  Can't wait for our ride to get home.