Thursday, March 8, 2012

COMING SOON... (well, soon-ish)

I have not gotten a good night's sleep yet this week, and it's already Thursday. Last week, my computer broke. Cost-less-to-just-replace-it broke. It's currently rigged to several other sources so it can limp along until I can afford a new one. Last night, I got into a yelling-fight with my coworker, only the second time I've ever done that in my life. And the worst part about it is that I know she'll be telling everybody about it before I get back to work on Friday; that is what she did when she got into a fight with Linda two weeks ago. Let's just say that my life has been crazy and wrap this up here.

But thanks to the awesomeness known as "Hulu Plus" and "PS3" I am still managing to keep up with a few of my favorite TV shows: shows like Castle, Psych, New Girl and Once Upon A Time. While I have things to say about all these shows (glossing over the engagement ring was not cool, Psych), I think I can certainly talk the most about Once Upon A Time. And that is exactly what I'd like to do. So I am going to start what will be known as "The Rumpelstiltskin Files" where I go all Lit-Analysis on some aspects of the show. I'm going to try to post a little article at least once a week, culminating in my favorite issue over Spring Break (the last week of March): Rumpelstiltskin (hence: The Rumpelstiltskin Files).

Some of the issues I plan on exploring are:
Narrator interference
Good and evil
Girl power
and a reconstructed timeliness of events from beginning (in the fairy tale world) to the end (in our world)