Thursday, October 17, 2013


I randomly ended up having a surprise day off.  Yesterday, a coworker asked if I could switch my Thursday at Subway for another day, and after much feet-dragging, I did it.  Why not?  She's not one of the super unreliable girls and I know she's one of the few lunch people who would work a night for me if I had an emergency.  And then, my babysitting got canceled because the girl has a tummy ache. It's like, wow!  I don't know what to do with myself.

Once Upon a Time So I did it.  The Hulu teaser for this week's episode piqued my interest enough that I decided to watch last week's episode so I could watch Sunday's.
The first one: horribly predictable but thankfully they brought back the two timeline format.  If I have to watch the Whites the entire time, at least they're mixing up when I'm having to watch them.
The Tinker Bell one: I wanna see more of Robin and his kid.  And I'm beginning to revert to my "the blue fairy is evil" theory.  I also still believe that Rumple might not be the villain he's made out to be; everything he touches turns out well in the end and even his "selfish" decisions allow for happiness long-term. Which has very little to do with this specific episode.  But I guess the ambiguity of good and evil and appearance vs reality does have a lot to do with the overall theme of this episode.
I kind of get the feeling that they may be setting this up for a final season.

Castle This was a surprisingly good episode. I couldn't even say what about it was good, but it was. 

Agents of SHIELD This one was fun, but really?  I'm kind of surprised Coulson didn't see the handler's death coming.  Clumsy typist and they think this person is behind the implant.  Also, they think someone who goes so far out of his way to avoid leaving a trail wouldn't have more than one level of protection?  Yeah, totally saw that ending coming.  Looking forward to next week, though.  First, the supervillian and now the introduction of a shadow-y, evil organization *grin*

New Girl Much better than last week.  I laughed and enjoyed, which is what was important.

Tonight is new episodes of Big Bang, Wonderland and Grey's Anatomy!  I love Thursday TV.

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